wednesday randomness

Category: everyday | October 3rd, 2012

happy wednesday everyone!  here’s a little randomness for your day. i’m loving my new print i got from the lovely ashley g. as you know i am still slowly but surely covering up blank spaces on the walls. the mister helped me with a wall project the other weekend and i’m hoping to get another wall done this weekend (i’ll post about that in a bit). and yes they are pinterest inspired. story of my life.  ;)

we went to our neighborhood “national night out” event last night. do y’all have that? it’s like a big block party at our park. i love it. the weather was ah-mazing! we hung out with some friends, chatted with the sister in law, and even met lots of new people. miss P had a great time and i actually had some conversations with other adults. (thanks love!)

my parents got us a double jogging stroller and had it sent to our house this past weekend. is it weird that that massive box made this baby seem more real!? lol. i know i still have a little bit of time….but then again i don’t. (i’ll be 33 weeks tomorrow! and slacking on the belly pics again. oops). i made a goal to have all the newborn stuff at least down from the attic by 35 weeks and then spending the next couple weeks getting it all set up/washed/organized. i have a slight feeling this baby will be a teeny bit early (miss P was one day early). but who knows…he/she might come late. but i hope not. i’m already feeling rather large. our morning walks are getting a little harder, but i must.keep.going. those walks/social time with my friends have helped so much this pregnancy. (thank you ladies!) i didn’t really exercise at all with P and i can definitely tell the difference. so all you pregnant mamas out there…get your exercise on!

and i am super happy to report that i taught myself how to crochet. the super super basics, but still. that has been on my goal list for a year and i finally made some time to learn. a simple 5 minute youtube video did the trick. i don’t regret learning but man it has taken all of my free time and more. it’s so addicting.

*side note: i am still getting used to writing about more “personal” things. i wrote up this whole post, and then deleted it. i thought to myself…who wants to read about this? it’s nothing fancy just my life. but you know…oh well. i’m going to write about my awesome life and see if anyone else reads it! ha anyone else feel that way??



Category: everyday | September 25th, 2012

the “extra” energy i seem to be having in the afternoons and evenings. (not so much in the mornings). i have been patiently waiting for the nesting bug to hit and i have a feeling it’s coming up. i sure hope it is at least, because ummm i have a long list of things to do within the next few weeks! my mind is racing with all sorts of things that need to be done/want to get done. i should get my priorities straight too. ha.
anticipating: taking a mini road trip in a few weeks (probably my last one for awhile) to visit the family back home! taking miss P to her first state fair of texas experience! i used to go every single year growing up when i lived there. i haven’t been in awhile so it’ll be fun. super excited about all the food, of course!
eating: speaking of food…fried okra has been my craving lately! oh yes. i have been making it quite a bit. oops. also, i’ve noticed i’ve been craving salty foods. hmm i should work on that.
creating: like a crazy woman, i am working on about 5 different projects at the moment. i seriously need to just sit down and finish one before i move on. ha. i’m trying to do tutorials on some of them but i need to do it during the day and unfortunately miss P seems to be taking shorter naps than usual. lol. oh well.
happy about: my last midwife appointment went well. she gave me an A+. ;) she said this baby is measuring a little smaller than P did (she also said P could be a 9 pounder!) so i am very happy that this baby won’t be THAT big. :)
thankful for: the mister. he (happily) dedicated his whole saturday to us and it was wonderful. being married to a hard working man who works crazy hours can be hard, so i am very thankful for the times we do have together. thanks love! (we got so much done too huh??) :)

what are “currently” up to??? link back to me so i can learn. :)

halloween costume ideas

Category: everyday | September 21st, 2012

i am loving this pic of miss P. this was last year for her first halloween. we had such a good time, but i am even more excited for this year because 1) she can walk up to the doors now and 2) she will have a better idea at what’s going on….or at least until she realizes what she gets when she goes up to the door. i may be a bit excited myself about all her candy. :) i had fun making her candy corn costume last year…it was pretty easy and she actually kept the tutu and headband on the whole time. this year i am not so sure how she will manage with “props.” i have a few ideas that i’ve seen on pinterest that i think she will tolerate and that i can make myself (while not taking forever and a day).

the mister and i didn’t dress up last year but we did the year before when i was pregnant with P. good ole juno. :) (i totally left my sunny d jug at home). i want to dress up again but i have no idea what. i’m loving all the pregnant costume ideas. hmmm. do you make your kiddos costumes??