what an eventful morning
Category: baby, everyday | January 6th, 2012
so a dear friend of mine asked me if i would be a part of her natural home birth for her sweet baby boy. ummmm….of course! i was soooo excited and literally felt like it was my baby with all the waiting and not knowing when he was going to come. so i had my bags packed. sure enough i get a call at 12:08am this morning and i headed out asap! took me about 50 minutes to get there and then one more hour later sweet Emerson Obanion blessed us with his presence. i won’t go into details but let’s just say everything could not have gone any better. praise the Lord. what a miracle…and to be a part of it! once in a life time!! (unless someone else asks me too) ;) the little family is doing awesome and is crazy in love!
it was so awesome to be on the other side this time. AND they had the same midwife and assistants that we had with penelope. it was like a lil reunion. love those ladies. came home early this morning and was able to take a 2.5 hr nap with miss p. very much needed. can’t wait to watch this lil man grow up!