multi-tasking or a.d.d.

Category: everyday | December 18th, 2011

sadly this is my dining room table right now (actually add a little more too it). my craft room is worse so i moved it out here. and yes, the mister is not happy with this. lol. but seriously i counted, just on this table, i have 7 open projects. i do this all the time. i seem to not be able to just work on one project and then move on to another one. so i wonder if that’s just me being a multi-tasker or am i a.d.d. when it comes to working on stuff. lol. i have been this way my whole life i feel like. always doing lots of things all at once. i mean, they all get done…eventually. good thing is i have 7 posts coming up. ;)

happy multi-tasking everyone!