full time chef

Category: everyday | March 28th, 2010

so i realized why i have not been able to post anything as much as i used to….we went vegan for 5 weeks. that literally is another full time job on top of everything else i do. don’t get me wrong…i absolutely loved it. loved the food and recipes we had, loved the healthiness, loved the extra energy all day long…but very time consuming. we are off vegan for now…but definitely incorporating it into our own less time consuming version of a diet.
he really just wanted to eat…and i wanted a pic. priceless.
after 5 weeks of no chick fil a (only my fav place to eat ever) husband surprised me to a dinner there. it was magical. but then i felt all full and weird afterward. lol now that we are not as hard core, hopefully i will have more time to post!!! here are some pics of some meals we had. they are fabulous!
tex mex bagels
tomato and bean salad
oil dip
black bean burger, broccoli, potatoes
un caesar salad
quinoa salad
black beans and mexican rice
veggie pot pie filling
veggie pot pie
pasta dish
garden soup
fruit salad
vegan chili

man. i’m hungry now. new week. lots going on. some fun…some not so fun. spending time with my family at least. enjoy your days…be thankful. be blessed. tell your loved ones you love them. oh and eat healthy! :)

peace and love