p’s birthday week

Category: baby, everyday | January 15th, 2012

it’s party week people! i have been a little busy these past few days. i wanted to get a post in at least but that hasn’t happened. oops. you know when you think something will take an hour…well triple it. that’s really how long it takes. ;) at least for me that is. lots of little things pop up that need to get done and then random things get thrown at you. lol. but it’s birthday week!!

we had her big family shindig on saturday and it was so much fun seeing everyone!! our entire immediate family came into town just for her (we did miss a couple due to not feeling well. sad day). it was like our wedding day-happened all too fast. lol. got lots of good pics (thanks K & H!) so i am excited to go through them and show ya a few…okay a lot. ;)

i can’t believe this tiny human being is about to be one (on thursday!). it’s fun to think back one year ago and see how my life has changed completely…for the better of course. i won’t get all mushy on this post…i’ll save it for her birthday. :) i’m so going to be that mom who says all that sweet lovey dovey stuff to them on their special day in front of all their friends. ;)

here’s to more celebrations! P has a little birthday play date with all her buddies tomorrow. excited to leave the party decor up for a little longer. :) have a great week everyone!!!