
Category: everyday | October 23rd, 2012

i borrowed a copy of Ina May Gaskin’s Guide to Child Birth and am loving it. this book is not only educational but it’s helping me get my mind set and focus straight. i have been meaning to work on that and so i am thankful for this book and it’s ability to get me prepped for this baby! i highly recommend this book to expecting mamas…whether you are choosing to go natural or not. lots of great information. i’m pretty sure my midwife could write a book like this. she has just as much years of experience and births as Gaskin too. ;) (thanks noelle/sarah for letting me borrow this!)
eating: trying to eat more iron rich foods. at my last midwife appt i found out i was anemic. :( so along with lots of fun supplements and vitamins to help with that i am trying to eat better too. sigh. this baby is sucking all the iron out of me so i need to step things up pronto! any yummy suggestions??
watching: we watched Baby Mama last night. definitely one of my all time favorite movies. even the mister likes it. he even randomly quoted it the other day. yes! i love him. :) did you know Tina Fey has a daughter named Penelope too! (and no that’s not why we named miss P that). ;) i’m slowly but surely catching up on all the new episodes that have started this season. since we don’t have tv i just watch them on hulu..usually right before bed. i’m tempted to start some new series that have come out this year….but i’m pretty sure i don’t need another show to get addicted to! what are you favorites??
creating: i have finally started miss P’s halloween costume. we have a couple of things this weekend she can wear it to so i need to finish it pretty soon. i’m pretty much just making the skirt and dyeing a couple of things so it shouldn’t hopefully won’t take me too long. ;) she’s going to be a peacock! (and yes i found the tutorial on pinterest..thank you!)
anticipating: setting up all the baby stuff around the house. :) this baby is one day closer to making his/her entrance into this world. eeek! thrilled. we are still working on getting organized too. one day at a time! there’s still some little things that haven’t been fully determined but those things can wait and aren’t worth stressing over. :)
thankful for: my sweet MIL and friends who have been willing to watch miss P while we go to our birthing classes, doctor visits, hair appts, etc…everything i’m trying to fit in that’s not kid friendly before the newest baby comes. i am very blessed with such sweet friends and family!
happy about: things that i can check off on my massive before baby comes to do list! i feel like i am adding new things everyday. and not fun stuff. like oil changes, car inspections, loads of laundry, lots of cleaning/sterilizing around the house (since this will be a home birth)….the list goes on. and again, one thing at a time. so yes i am happy about checking those things off my list! (ummm ellenor, when are you coming into town again?? haha jk) ;)

so what about you guys?? i’d love to hear what y’all are up to currently. leave a link in the comments so everyone can check it out! :)


Category: everyday | September 25th, 2012

the “extra” energy i seem to be having in the afternoons and evenings. (not so much in the mornings). i have been patiently waiting for the nesting bug to hit and i have a feeling it’s coming up. i sure hope it is at least, because ummm i have a long list of things to do within the next few weeks! my mind is racing with all sorts of things that need to be done/want to get done. i should get my priorities straight too. ha.
anticipating: taking a mini road trip in a few weeks (probably my last one for awhile) to visit the family back home! taking miss P to her first state fair of texas experience! i used to go every single year growing up when i lived there. i haven’t been in awhile so it’ll be fun. super excited about all the food, of course!
eating: speaking of food…fried okra has been my craving lately! oh yes. i have been making it quite a bit. oops. also, i’ve noticed i’ve been craving salty foods. hmm i should work on that.
creating: like a crazy woman, i am working on about 5 different projects at the moment. i seriously need to just sit down and finish one before i move on. ha. i’m trying to do tutorials on some of them but i need to do it during the day and unfortunately miss P seems to be taking shorter naps than usual. lol. oh well.
happy about: my last midwife appointment went well. she gave me an A+. ;) she said this baby is measuring a little smaller than P did (she also said P could be a 9 pounder!) so i am very happy that this baby won’t be THAT big. :)
thankful for: the mister. he (happily) dedicated his whole saturday to us and it was wonderful. being married to a hard working man who works crazy hours can be hard, so i am very thankful for the times we do have together. thanks love! (we got so much done too huh??) :)

what are “currently” up to??? link back to me so i can learn. :)