Ruby’s big day

Category: ruby's journey | November 1st, 2013

dell children's medical center
Hi! We are mostly back to “normal” now so I thought I’d finally take the time to write up a post about Ruby’s big day with her surgery. I actually wrote up a post a couple of weeks ago, but y’all, it was soooo long. I reread it and realized it was super detailed and no one wants/needs to know all that. Haha. I am saving that post for Ruby when she gets older. :)

Well I would like to start off by saying Ruby is doing amazing now and she’s acting like nothing ever happened. Praise God. But that is a whole other blog post that I will write up about her recovery later. So here’s her “shortened” (not really) version of her day. My hope is that at some point this post can be helpful for other readers out there who might be going through the same thing and find some comfort in learning a little more about what goes on through a parent’s perspective. :)

October 1st will always be a special day for us and a new anniversary to celebrate every year. We didn’t find out the time of her surgery until the day before. We had been planning and mentally/spiritually preparing ourselves for the 12 days since we had known her surgery date, but when we found out the exact time it made it seem real. Since we live so far away from the hospital we were able to drive up the night before and stay at the Ronald McDonald House, which was so nice and a stress reliever for us.

My mom came and took Penelope back home and Travis and I spent some quality time with Ruby and got her all prepped for the next day. I surprisingly slept (a little bit) that night. I was real curious as to how Ruby would respond to the whole fasting thing but thankfully she was able to nurse 4 hours before surgery so I made sure to set my alarm for her just in case. I sat there (half asleep still) and enjoyed that moment knowing it would be the last time I nursed her with her precious little head…and hair.

mama and ru
Since she wasn’t able to eat Travis and I fasted too. Ruby has food jealousy so if she would have seen me eating anything then that would not have been pretty. Ha. We tried to make our morning as normal as possible and when it was time we just walked on over to the hospital. It felt like such a long walk for me even though it only took maybe 5 minutes. I had been holding back so many tears. I just held her so tight and kissed her head as much as I could. There were some paperwork, some questions answered, and some waiting. Ruby had been great the entire time but towards the end I could tell she was getting hungry and tired, which is never a good thing for someone who doesn’t understand what is going on.

After we dressed her in her tiny hospital gown they put this massive heating gown around her. It blew out hot hair to keep her warm and cozy and within a few minutes she was out. She was so peaceful which made me feel peaceful. And then the nurse came in to say it was time and the water works came flowing. I had been so calm the entire time and trusted God. I knew he was taking care of her, but I had held back so many tears that it was necessary and healthy to get it all out…although I was still holding her so I couldn’t go crazy. Lots and lots and lots of kisses were given. She was still sleeping when I had to hand her over to the nurses but as soon as I let go she woke up and started crying. Broke my heart. That was probably the hardest thing I have ever done.

heating gown
After that I seriously don’t have a clear memory of what happened. I was a little out of it. I was tired, and hungry, and crazy emotional. Lol. Travis decided to keep fasting but since I’m still nursing it wasn’t the best idea for me. My mother in law went with me to grab a bite to eat and keep me company. They gave us a pager (like at restaurants) and told us it would go off when the doctors are done, and they would call me to give me updates every hour. I think that is the coolest thing ever. They told us that it could take up to 5 hours for everything. They took Ruby back a little after 11am, and around 12p I got a phone call saying she went to sleep just fine and that they started. That made me feel better knowing that she wasn’t feeling anything.

Then we just played the waiting game. My in laws were with us for support and to help keep our minds distracted, and even my awesome sister came into town and stopped by to say hi. Before we knew it a couple of hours passed and the pager went off. It was a weird feeling. I didn’t know what to do. I was all excited and nervous and clueless at the same time. A nurse came out and said they were done! It had only been a little over 2 hours since they called the first time. If anyone is curious, cranial vault remodeling (CVR) is the procedure her amazing doctors performed.

We went back to talk to her doctor and he gave us the amazing news that she did great and everything went smoothly. I was so excited and gave him a big hug! We had to wait about 45 minutes for them to move her to the PACU (the PICU was full at the moment) and get her settled. I was pretty nervous about this part because I had read many stories about other babies’ surgeries and seen pretty graphic photos. I had tried to mentally prepare myself for what we were about to see, but I don’t think anything can prepare you for something like that.

She looked so different. She looked older, but not in a number/age way. She just looked like she had experienced so much life already. It’s hard to explain. She looked fake, like a doll. She was so still and pale. She looked so peaceful too…until you got up really close to her and could hear her little moans. She was in pain. Oh man. I don’t know how to describe that feeling. Helpless I guess, when your baby is in pain and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to help…besides pray.

About 15 minutes later I started feeling really light headed. All the tubes and machines and excess fluid from her head got to me. I was about to pass out. My sister took me to get some fresh air and more food. That helped a lot. I don’t know how you nurses/doctors do it….although it is a little different when it’s your own child.

While we were gone they moved her to the PICU and we had to stay there for 24 hours to be monitored. It had taken the nurses quite awhile to figure out the right amount of morphine to get her comfortable. It was so hard to watch her be in pain and not be able to hold her or anything. We held her hand, kissed her, sang to her, etc. She would open her eyes a few times and we could tell that she recognized us. Sweet girl. She was a little swollen but not bad at all. They said the swelling would come soon.

My mom came by with Penelope and originally we weren’t going to let her see her sister until she was out of the PICU but we thought it would be nice for Ruby. So we covered up as many of the tubes that we could and brought her in to see her. We had talked to her before and tried our best to let her know what was going to happen. She did great. I think she was a little concerned and curious about her head since she had it all wrapped up.

The rest of the PICU experience was as good as a PICU experience could have gone. The nurses were so nice and informative and I knew they were trying their best to make Ruby feel as comfortable as possible. She seemed pretty hungry so I gave her a bottle (which I was a little nervous about because she doesn’t do well with bottles) but she downed that thing so fast….but then she spit it all up shortly after. They said that’s normal. After that she kept all her feedings down. Travis and I took turns sitting next to her bed. I think we got about a couple 2 hours “naps” throughout the night. Ruby never seemed to be pain free. I mean, that was to be expected from just having head surgery but I just wanted her to be comfortable. They did have to give her another blood transfusion in the middle of the night. Nothing too worrisome but they did it to be on the safe side. (She did have a blood transfusion during surgery as well and they were able to use the same blood).

Before being transferred out of the PICU into a regular room we realized Ruby was having a reaction to the morphine. Since she was on a higher dose it had made her face itchy and she kept trying to scratch it every 5 seconds. It didn’t help that she had tubes and what not around her hands so after a while she gave herself a few cuts on her face. So they switched her from morphine to lortab (which is acetaminophen and hydrocodone) and that seemed to be much better.

ruby and baby doll
After 24 hours we switched to a regular room and a slower paced atmosphere. It was nice. I even decorated her room (with some help of sweet friends) knowing we were going to be there for a few days. It definitely helped. As soon as we got there they said we could hold her. I wanted to hold her so badly but I was so nervous to even move her! It was like she was a newborn all over again and she was so fragile…..although I felt like she was even MORE fragile. I didn’t know how to hold her because of her tubes coming out of her head. I didn’t want to hurt her. But we figured it out and it felt perfect. She nuzzled into my arms like she normally does and she was happy. We realized that it had been 30 hours since we held her last. That was the longest 30 hours. Ever.

first time to hold herdada and ru
When she woke up they said I could nurse her. I was excited to not have to pump anymore but was nervous all over again about how to hold her. It was a little awkward with her tubes and the angle of her head but we did it. I probably looked so uncomfortable. Ha. Then some friends and family came to visit and we were showered with love and yummy goodies.

We slept a little better that night and by the next morning she seemed a little more like herself! She was wide awake and interacting with us…smiling, laughing, playing with toys, etc. We were so surprised and so happy to see her pep up like that. I was super excited that she didn’t have any more swelling. Her head was still swollen but not her face. I had read so many stories of other babies’ eyes swelling shut. Even the doctors said it probably would,  but thankfully it didn’t happen! The doctors came in to take off her head wrap and I had to take a few deep breathes before looking. It looked awful, but to the doctors it looked great. It was weird seeing her completely bald, but it was so neat to see the immediate changes in her head shape!

ruby girl
The next two days consisted of lots of vital checks, pain meds, antibiotics, several doctor follow ups, naps, texting, instagramming, facebooking, and lots and lots of hugs and kisses. Everything seemed to be going so smoothly. They finally were able to take out her drain tubes and that made holding her so much easier. She also had to get another cat scan and MRI and she did awesome.

Her doctors came in to check on her one last time and said she is all clear to go….after she poops. Lol. She had passed all the requirements to be able to leave except that. So we waited and waited. The bad thing about her pain meds, lortab, is that it made her constipated. So they gave her a few things to help her out and several hours later…yay! We were so excited for poo. ;)

going home
So we packed our bags and took our craniobaby home. We are so blessed to have such an amazing hospital close by and even better, amazing doctors and nurses and staff. We cannot thank them enough for the work they did on our sweet Ruby. We also want to thank everyone for all the wonderful prayers and words of encouragement through out all this time. We could not have done it without the support and love and prayers. I know for a fact that that is why I was as calm as I was because I could feel all the prayers. We are forever grateful. And of course our awesome family and friends who came to the hospital, brought us food, took care of our oldest, and loved on us. That is a tiny moment in my life that I will never forget. Ruby made it so easy on us. It was hard, don’t get me wrong, but she was/is such a trooper and she is so strong. I can’t wait to see what is in store for her future! God’s got some plans for that child. :)

**Life at home post coming soon.


nesting mode

Category: everyday | September 30th, 2013

dell childrens
So you don’t need to be super pregnant to have the nesting bug hit you. Preparing for Ruby’s surgery has got me running around the house doing the most random projects ever. I want things to be organized and ready for when we get to bring her back home….and get back on track with our lives. It’s going to be hard and challenging and tiring for a bit but we will find our groove again. I am excited about that….already thinking about how Ruby’s hair will grow back and how I won’t be super paranoid about her hitting her head on everything like she does now. Oh my goodness. She is going to be just as clumsy as Penelope who is just as clumsy as me. (Sorry girls). :)

Well we had Ruby’s pre op appointment last Thursday and man I am glad that is over with! The nurses were amazing! Already love them. But the part where we had to hold sweet (and VERY strong) Ruby down so they could draw blood from her tiny, tiny vein was a.w.f.u.l. There may or may not have been tears in my eyes. She screamed the loudest I have ever heard her. And I thought to myself…this is just her getting blood drawn…can’t imagine what pain she will be in after surgery. So let’s not think about that.

After they finished sweet Ru was so happy…and so were we! The rest of the appointment went well. More questions answered and more words of encouragement. They call her surgeons the “Dream Team.” I love it.

Today I took Ruby grocery shopping while Penelope stayed home with the mister and I realized this was the last time I was going to take her to the store with all her hair and no massive scar. I stared at her a lot more…a good/happy stare. ;) I realized that the next time I take the girls out in public it will be a bit different. A few more second glances. But you know, it won’t bother me. A few years ago it probably would have. I am going to embrace her awesome scar (and perfectly round head)! I even thought about dressing her up as Frankenstein for halloween! :)

I have felt so encouraged and loved by so many people lately. I have some amazing friends and family…and even strangers (friends of friends) who are lifting us up in prayer! God is good. :) I am not sure how to describe how I feel in words…for all the love and how grateful we are for everyone and everything. Every little facebook comment, hand written letter, text message, baked cookies, home cooked meals, etc….means so much. I know I have not told everyone thank you individually, but I plan on it! Y’all deserve it.

an update on baby Ruby

Category: everyday | September 27th, 2013

ruby's pre op
This is a post I never thought I would be writing….but here we are. If I had written this 8 days ago I am pretty sure it would have been a hot mess. But in those 8 days I have gained so much peace within me. God is good.

I don’t really know where to start but I will say that baby Ruby is one of the sweetest babies I know. She is a mama’s girl for sure…times 10. But I love it. When she was born we noticed she had a more narrow head shape compared to Penelope’s but we just thought that was how her head was shaped. Well fast forward to her 9 month well check (she’s a little over 10 months now) and her pediatrician was a little concerned about her head shape and had me take her to get a cat scan. Y’all, I was so nervous about this, but of course Ruby did amazing and the staff were awesome.

But then the next day I got “the phone call” from her ped. Good news first: her brain is perfect (praise God!)…but she has something called sagittal craniosynostosis. With tears filling my eyes I listened to her explain it to me. You can look it up for more details but basically part of her skull (the sagittal suture) had fused together prematurely. This is why her head is shaped the way it is and if not treated then there could be issues with her brain down the road. Sagittal Craniosynostosis is the most common type of craniosynostosis (40-58%) and is a lot more common than I thought with it occurring 1 in every 2000 births. Towards the end she told me the only treatment for her would be surgery (cranial vault remodeling). I held back the tears as much as I could until I got off the phone and then looked at my husband. Man, that was rough.

So a few weeks go by (seemed like a lot longer) and we finally had our consultation with the neurosurgeon and craniofacial/plastic surgeon at Dell Children’s Medical Center last Thursday. The appointment went great. I didn’t cry so that’s always a good sign. Ha. They said they would like to get her in for by her 1st birthday so I kind of had that in my head…by her first birthday. But they called us on our way home and asked if October 1st worked. That was in 12 days. So soon. I’m not ready! But clearly we said yes.

I had my moments…where I just had tears, but I know that this is what God had planned for Ruby. He knew this day would come before she was even born. I know God will take care of her and us. I am sooo thankful for my husband and his amazing faith. That’s the number one thing I love about him. We have also had so much love and prayers from family and friends. I can feel it. It’s an amazing and soothing feeling. I think that’s why I am not freaking out as much as I thought I would be. (I have come a long way in my faith).

It’s going to be an interesting journey. I know it’ll be rough for awhile but then we will get on the other side and come out stronger and with a perfectly shaped head! I wrote all this out mainly for myself and for Ruby but I also did it for all those other parents out there who might be going through the same thing. I found great comfort in reading other people’s blogs and stories of their tiny babies going through similar surgeries. So maybe all the posts of Ruby’s journey will be comforting to those in need too.

I can’t wait to tell Ruby about this time in our lives and how many people prayed/are praying for her. She is loved by so many! We are so thankful for everyone and we appreciate all the words of encouragement and prayers!

So a few more phone calls, some lab work, lots of driving (the hospital is about an hour away), and lots of prayers over here…and then October 1st. Sigh. I’ll be posting more about our days when the time comes….but in the meantime I’ll probably be filling up your instagram feed with photos of our last few days with her cute little narrow head. :)

it’s a food post

Category: everyday | September 9th, 2013

zucchini tots
zucchini tots. yum.

i am not the type to take photos of the meals i make. 1) they usually don’t look that pretty and 2) i don’t have time for that. hah. but i do want to give a little shout out to all those awesome and talented food bloggers out there who actually take the time to post photos and recipes for everyone else to enjoy! the mister and i have been eating vegetarian for awhile now and i am so thankful for pinterest and all the yummy and new (and interesting) recipes out there. i knew i liked vegetables but after some of these recipes i realized i love them…even all the ones i turned my nose up to. oooh my close minded younger self. it’s funny how we change. but i sure am glad i did! i know my parents are proud….i might have given them a (very) hard time when it came to healthy food back in the day. haha.

i spend quite a bit of my time in the kitchen, but i love it. and thankfully i don’t mind cleaning up the (big) messes that the girls make while i am cooking. penelope has been helping me out when she can too….again, i don’t mind cleaning up the messes. ;) i know they probably get more out of the experience than i do. since i have been cooking with more and more vegetables i have found some pretty neat and time saving methods on how to cut/slice/chop them the proper way. i kind of just went with it before and managed to get what i needed, but then i youtubed a few (like bell pepperspepperstomatoes, etc.) and realized i was pretty much butchering the poor things. so yay for learning new things. ;)

if you follow me on pinterest then you’ll see my vegan/vegetarian board. i’ve probably made at least half of the recipes i pinned. there are some amazing recipes! but then again i love food so we might have a few different opinions. ALTHOUGH the mister has loved them (except for one, haha) and that says a lot because he’s not as open minded as me. ;) but i am very proud of him for trying them and eating them…and more importantly loving them. penelope actually eats most of the vegetarian meals too. sometimes if i know they are spicy or reaaaally flavorful then i will set aside a little bit of it without all the spices. can’t go wrong with some black beans. even some of the recipes are ruby approved. ;)

here are some of my favs at the moment. try them out! i bet you’ll be surprised….or maybe not. haha. but i’ll give you a high five for trying.
hummus and grilled vegetables pizza
1. hummus & grilled vegetable pizza (my fav at the moment! hummus instead of pizza sauce?? genius.)

cornbread salad
2. southwest cornbread salad

lentil rice cakes
3. lentil rice cakes

southwestern black bean burgers
4. southwestern black bean burgers

pasta primavera
5. pasta primavera + vegan pesto

slow cooker brown rice mexican bowl
6. slow cooker brown rice mexican bowl

cauliflower sauce
7. creamy cauliflower sauce (great with fettuccine and broccoli!)

oh and i love how almost all of the recipes have leftovers. i seriously try to only make meals that will have leftovers! hah. have any fun/new/not-so-time-consuming vegan/vegetarian recipes?? send them my way! :)