the royal wedding
Category: everyday | April 29th, 2011
lots of people have been waiting for this moment! and lots have not. lol i, personally, was not planning on watching it live BUT someone was hungry and woke me up right when the ceremony started. so clearly i watched it…..(via iphone, through live updates). it was kind of addicting. i stayed up for about 2 hours. not smart…(might pass out later on today)
how cute is the queen. hehe. love their hats!
how gorgeous is her dress!!? i think she made a lovely choice. i couldn’t imagine what dress i would pic if i were about to become royalty….(although i loved mine and wouldn’t have had it any different!!)
since i’m part british (mom and her side of the fam are from there) i had a special bond to this wedding. lol. that sounds cheesy, but i did. i secretly speak in a british accent to miss penelope sometimes. how cool would that be if she grew up with an accent?! ha.
they are just super cute. happy for them!
(all photos via cnn)
well it’s friday! yay!!! a dear friend is coming into town today for the weekend…i plan on putting her to work (so i can get things done) :) haha. super excited. oh AND it’s husband’s birthday coming up! i think i’m more excited about it than he is!