you were a pretty amazing year for us. lots of learning, lots of growing, lots of “firsts” for sweet penelope, oh and baby ruby! :) i learned a lot about myself…as a mama and as a wife. there were lots of challenges. lots of smiles. and some tears. but fortunately i can say more smiles than tears. :) i can tell you that i am truly blessed and so very thankful for what God has given me. i thank Him every single day for those blessings….for what He has done, is doing, and will do.
today i plan on sitting down (not sure how long that’ll last, lol) with my little family and writing up some new years goals. i have a lot. i don’t want to overwhelm myself, but i have a lot of expectations and hopes and dreams and things to look forward to. i also have a lot of growing and learning to do still….mentally, physically, and spiritually. there are things i want to do different and things i want to keep doing. i get excited every new year. it’s like a fresh start. a reason to sit down and really think about your life (even though you can do that any day really).
i look forward to what 2013 will bring for me and for this family. like i said, i have certain expectations. it’s not going to be all easy and smooth. i know that, but i plan on making it the best year possible! (oh and i have new goals for this little blog of mine too!! get excited!) so let’s get this party started!!! (and when i say party i mean let’s be hardcore and clean this house because it is a disaster from the holidays and who wants to start the year off with a dirty house??) :)
here’s to a fabulous new year.