so I have a ton of random clothing articles that do not fit or just need some TLC. here are the lucky contestants this time….

what do you get when you mix an old shirt that is too short and an old but clean fitted bed sheet???
molly panda was curious too…

TADA!!! a lil cutting, some seaming, more cutting, seam ripping, more sewing…and there ya go. : ) I am in need of brushing up on my sewing skills. but this was fun, and I was super excited because the waste band of the fitted sheet was already done. I am all about the short cuts.

some more random fabric which made a lovely pocket and I even lined the bottom of the sheet with ribbon for fun! : ) (and yes, it was fun. ha) threw in some lace to spice it up too.

I have more leftover fitted and flat sheets and tons of old shirts….hmmmm what to do next??
peace and love
*I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee. -Harry Mahtar