sponsor spotlight: nourish baby organics
Category: guest bloggers | February 21st, 2011here we are with another great sponsor spotlight (plus a special something at the end)!! melissa over at nourish baby organics! check out her wonderful shop and she has a cute blog as well, the nourished nest. :)
what’s the story behind nourish, baby organics?
Nourish Baby Organics began in my kitchen with a bottle of oil that I made with infused organic herbs. My son had eczema and nothing helped it so I decided to make my own skin care for him. I studied herbs and have been an Aesthetician for the last decade so I had a good understanding of ingredients and what I did and didn’t want in products for his skin. I decided to make the oil available for sale and quickly gained a local following. The line has since grown and I’ve added organic washes and balms in an assortment of lavender, coconut, sweet orange and eucalyptus scents.
what inspires you?
Children who suffer from skin disorders. My heart truly goes out to them. As a mom of a little boy with very sensitive skin I know what it’s like and how helpless it can make you feel. When a parent contacts me and tells me how their child’s skin has improved since using my products that makes my day and drives me to work harder.
what’s your favorite part about your shop?
How challenging it is. There is never a dull moment and always a new problem to be solved.
what’s the most challenging part?
Time management. I have a two year old and a newborn so finding time to squeeze in product production and managing the business side of my shop is difficult. My business hours are usually during naps and nighttime. I make a real effort to be fully tuned into my children when they are awake. I don’t want them to ever think that they aren’t my first love and priority.
any advice for others who want to start a shop?
Don’t rush launching your shop. It’s easy to get excited and ahead of yourself but make sure you have a very good understanding of what it is going to take to not only open your business but to keep it running too. Take your time to consult with experts and have a thorough business plan. My business has been a huge learning experience and I’ve made some costly mistakes but I’ve had a lot fun along the way.
any special goals you have set?
I have plans to expand the line and offer more products specifically for pregnant women. I’m in the beginning stages of formulating and perfecting them before they are available. This is the fun part of my job that I love!
just for fun: what’s something that most people don’t know about you?
I have plans to write a book on natural skin solutions. There are several ideas swirling around in my head but I have yet to put a proposal together because of the time management issue. It will feel good to get all those thoughts down on paper one day though.
thank you so much for melissa for sharing!! and because she is way cool….she is offering 20% discount to all PLC readers!! **type in peacelovecrafts20 for the code and get your 20% off great organic skin care for mama and babies! (offer will last a week from today so get it while you can!)
peace and love