miss you katy!

Category: everyday | March 31st, 2012

so you know when you find an amazing person who becomes your best friend over just a few months and your daughters are only a couple months a part and are besties too (of course)…..and then they have to get up and move across the country. sigh. yea that happened to me this past week. my sweet, sweet friend katy had to move (the mister got a promotion) and officially moved out of their house which was 5 minutes away from us…..that is a big deal considering we live out in the sticks. i’m not going to get all sappy on y’all but just wanted to give a shout out to my friend and tell her i love her and miss her already!!….even though it hasn’t kicked in yet that she’s really gone. i’m just glad we have our mad texting skills still. i don’t know what i’d do without that. here’s just a “few” photos of the girls together. clearly i take more photos of them then of katy and i. ;)

this was their first play date. too cute!

their first chickfila date together.

i realized i don’t have many recent photos of them together…almost all of the ones above are before they could walk so it was easier. ;)

already looking forward to the next time y’all come to visit!!! xox