it’s been a little quiet over here…
Category: baby, everyday | March 17th, 2011
(can you tell that she’s totally loving her headband? lol)
well not over here at my house, but on my blog. baby girl is definitely keeping me busy and alive around the house and making all her coos and super cute noises. she’s been smiling like it’s her job. absolutely adore her. she’s had a little nasal congestion lately, which apparently is common in babies, but still breaks my heart. sigh. i sure hope she doesn’t have allergies like me. that would be awful! and i found out that i’m going to be the parent that doesn’t like to give her meds or poke her with things or do stuff like that is helpful for her but makes her sad. i started crying when husband put drops in her nose and suctioned her out. oh man. i know i definitely can’t be there when she gets shots. i mean, i don’t even like getting shots myself so i can’t imagine seeing her get them. poor baby. her 2 months check up is coming up, and i know there are some shots. yikes!
is this not the cutest pic of my lil family sleeping. love it.
besides being caught up on life with penelope, i’ve been trying to get some more stuff in the shop. i got some new felt from giant dwarf! LOVE the colors. i feel like i already need to get some more. lol. i’m having fun making the hair pieces. i would love some feedback on what you would like to see made/would buy yourself! lol. clearly i want to make things that people want…but i don’t know what people want. so that’s where you come in! :)
on another note…husband and i started a new diet this past week. it’s called the slow carb diet that husband found from reading The 4-Hour Body (awesome/intense book). i like it so far…especially the part where we get one day of freedom and can eat WHATEVER we want the whole entire day. saturday can’t come sooner!!
on the menu so far:
-hershey’s chocolate cream pie (the whole pie…i might share with husband)
-chips and queso
-french fries
-more chocolate
umm. YUM. :) i’ll let you know how that goes. hope i don’t get sick. ;)
peace and love