
Category: DIY | October 13th, 2009

meet betty! she’s a brightly colored, fun, and exciting…headband. : )

Autumn, over at Cinnamon Sticks, and I spent a lovely morning together with crafts and coffee. coffee makes crafting better.  we had our inspiration from another feather headband over at Craftstylish. but we decided to skip the sewing parts, and we did not have any buckram (still not sure what that even is). we used the oh so helpful felt as our platform. then glued on some feathers and a cool button or two or three and poof! you have a betty!

betty1back of betty

you can wear it like a traditional headband or if you are in a 20’s mood around the forehead. either way it looks fab!

betty2 betty3

this is clearly an every day accessory…clearly. be sure to check out Cinnamon Sticks to see her fun color scheme too! have a fabulous day!!!

peace and love

*always laugh when you can. it is cheaper than medicine.   -Lord Byron